A Year's Worth of Savage Scorpion Promo Ideas For Your Bar (January-June)

Creating unique signature drinks and hosting special events is an excellent way to get more customers into your bar or restaurant. An easy way to come up with a specialty cocktail recipe or irresistible shot is to simply add Savage Scorpions to the recipe. Need a little more inspiration than that? Here is the first half of an entire year's worth of ideas by month for promotions your customers might enjoy.  

Super Bowl Sunday falls on February 3 this year so you might want to begin your big game specials in January during the playoffs so you can run them for a few weeks. If you're feeling especially creative, you could even come up with a signature shot for each team to feature during their game. 

Of course, beer and football go hand-in-hand, so a signature drink could be as simple as a "Savage Brew" consisting of a Savage Scorpion and any beer that's ordered. If you're doing bucket specials, include 1 Savage Scorpion with each bucket and see which person at the table is savage enough to take it!    

February is a month of romance since Valentine's Day falls smack dab in the middle of it. Some type of pink or red fruity cocktail is ideal for this, possibly something with a passionfruit liqueur called the "Sensuous Scorpion." On the flip side, if you'll be hosting an Anti-Valentine's Day Party for your single patrons, a straight Savage Scorpion shot of something strong is really all the special you need.  

Fat Tuesday is on March 5 this year, but the Mardi Gras pre-parties go on for weeks beforehand. It might be a good idea to start a Mardi Gras promotion the day after Valentine's Day. Hurricanes are a classic cocktail for this holiday and a Savage Scorpion will look right at home perched on top of the garnish.

Spring Break happens at various colleges anywhere from February-April, so the entire month of March is the perfect time to aim some promotions at these students that are ready to let loose and have some fun. Encourage them to take a "Scorpion Break" during Spring Break. You could even host a beer pong tournament but make the game a bit more interesting by popping a scorpion into a few of the cups.  

Another holiday that is perfect for pairing with a good, stiff drink is St. Patrick's Day. Irish Whiskey is a lot more savage when you drop a scorpion in it, and we're willing to bet it will be difficult for anyone to pass up on the challenge #HowSavageAreYou on this particular holiday. We bet quite a few people will be willing to try a little "Luck o' the Scorpion."    

Savage Scorpions aren't just for drinks. They pair perfectly with lots of food items too! We've seen them added deliciously to pizza and nachos, and when used on an entree, the meal immediately seems a lot more gourmet. You know that it's going to be hard for your customers to resist trying whatever savage food you come up with at least once! 

In case you didn't know, April 3 is also known as "World Party Day." Now that's a wonderful excuse for you to throw a great big bash and feature a few savage specials. One idea would be to feature scorpion shots and cocktails from around the world. 

Cinco de Mayo makes a "Savage Margarita" the obvious choice for a featured scorpion cocktail in May. Not to mention, tequila is an excellent liquor to use for a scorpion shot, and instead of just dropping a lime in a bottle of Mexcian beer, follow that lime with a Savage Scorpion! You can advertise it as a "Savage Cerveza!" You might as well pull some of those scorpion nachos we mentioned in April back out for this too.  

The month of June brings with it the glorious summer season. This month is a great time to push ice-cold refreshing cocktails and frozen drinks. Think about things people would enjoy sipping by the pool, like a Lake Water, but re-brand it as a "Scorpion by the Sea." Hot summer days are also the perfect time to bring out some "Savage Scorpion Jello Shots" too. 

That should be enough to get your creative juices flowing for today. Next week we'll tackle the second half of the year with a few more ideas on how you can introduce Savage Scorpions to your customers. 

When people go to a bar, it's usually because they are looking for some fun and an exciting night out. A scorpion shot is a surefire way to bring a little extra excitement to any evening, but you don't have to stop there. With a little imagination and some customers willing to answer the question "#HowSavageAreYou?" the possibilities are endless!    

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