All About Rum

There are a LOT of different liquors available to use when you shoot a Savage Scorpion, and an infinite number of cocktails to make with them. We've decided to learn more about a different liquor that is commonly used each month and share that information with all of you in a series of blogs. 

Since we recently celebrated National Rum Day (and last week's blog was filled with savage rum cocktail recipes) rum naturally seemed like a good place to start. Pour yourself a tall glass of your favorite rum drink and get ready to learn more about this tasty liquid.   

What is Rum? 
Rum is possibly best known as the liquor that pirates love and are always running out of. (Why is the rum gone?) It is a distilled alcoholic beverage made from sugarcane byproducts like molasses, honeys, or directly from sugarcane juice. The clear liquid produced from the fermentation and distillation of those items is put into oak barrels to be aged, creating rum. This liquor is produced worldwide, but the majority of it comes from the Caribbean and Latin America. 

Rum Varieties
There are a lot of different grades and variations of rum. These include:

Light Rums
Also known as silver or white, these rums are sometimes filtered after aging to remove any color. The flavor is very mild and perfect for use in many mixed cocktails.

Gold Rums
Also called amber, these are medium-bodied rums. They have more flavor than light rums and get color from the wooden barrels they are aged in, usually white oak barrels that are the byproduct of Bourbon whiskey.

Dark Rums
Darker than gold rums, often brown, black, or red, these are usually made from caramelized sugar or molasses. They take longer to age and darker, heavily charred barrels give them a much stronger flavor, sometimes with a hint of spices. This is the rum most often used in cooking but can add substance to a mixed drink.

Flavored Rums
After fermentation and distillation, rum can be infused with flavors like banana, mango, orange, coconut, pineapple, lime, and many more. Flavored rums usually contain less than 40% alcohol. They are wonderful ingredients for tropical-themed cocktails, but many also taste nice poured over ice.

Spiced Rums
Spiced rums are based on gold rums and most of them are darker in color. Spices, and sometimes caramel, are added to give them their extra flavor. Types of spices generally used include cinnamon, rosemary, absinthe/aniseed, pepper, cloves, and cardamom.

Overproof Rums
These rums can have an alcohol content as high as 75-80%. The taste is a bit too strong for most people to enjoy as a shot, but they are often used as an added shot on top of frozen cocktails or as in ingredient in mixed drinks.

Premium Rums
Premium rums have more character and flavor than the other varieties and are most often consumed straight. These are considered sipping spirits like Cognac or Scotch. Great care goes into both the production and the aging process to create these savory rums.

Rum drinks are incredibly popular in tropical areas and near beaches all of the time and everywhere in the hot, summer months. The addition of one of our Savage Scorpions as a unique cocktail garnish or a fun shot is a wonderful way to make a delicious rum cocktail even better! 

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