Celebrate National Candy Month With Candy-Inspired Cocktails!

The month of June is labeled as many things, one of which includes National Candy Month. Savage Scorpions decided this was an excellent time to enjoy a few cocktails inspired by, infused with, and containing candy! 

When you add our unique drink ingredient or turn one of these shooters into scorpion shots, then you get the best of both flavorful worlds! The rich sweetness of the candy ingredients plus the crunchy pop of the Savage Scorpion! Sort of like sugar and "spice,"... isn't that nice? 

Cotton Candy Cocktail
from Tablespoon.com

This cocktail is incredibly easy to make and the presentation is every bit as impressive as the drink itself! All it takes is some beautifully colored cotton candy, a shot of marshmallow-flavored vodka, and some sparkling water. (Plain vodka might work just as well or a vanilla-flavored vodka. Experiment with it!) 

The cotton candy is placed in the glass first and it dissolves in the most fantastic way when the liquid is poured over the top. Try this fun trick; place your Savage Scorpion on top of the cotton candy to watch it "swim" to the bottom of the glass as the candy melts! 

Find the full recipe here.   

photo from www.Tablespoon.com

Jack & Coke Gummies
from TheTipsyBartender.com

This sweet idea comes from The Tipsy Bartender. It takes a little prep time but absolutely no mixology skills required. (Although you may want to "water" it down a bit with some actual Coke.) Simply pour Jack Daniels over a bowl of cola bottle gummies, stir well, cover with cling wrap, and let sit until all of the alcohol has been absorbed. (Those gummies can hold a LOT of alcohol!) 

That's it! Now you can enjoy them individually or add them to your Jack & Coke mixed drink. A drink with treats! The surprise will come when you bite down to find out if it's a soft gummy or one of our crunchy scorpions! 

Find the full recipe & video tutorial here.  

photo from www.TheTipsyBartender.com 
Pink Starburst Cosmos
from Delish.com 

This website makes a delicious point that this recipe lets you eat your candy and drink it too! Pink Starbursts seem to be the most popular used for the drinks we found online, but we're sure you could use any color/flavor you prefer. 

For this one, you'll use vodka, lime juice, and triple sec as you would for any Cosmopolitan Martini. The difference is, the vodka will be infused with candy. The Starbursts sit in a jar of vodka overnight to soak it up. 

For a cocktail garnish, the origami cranes pictured below made from the candy wrappers are adorable but we suggest placing a couple of Starbursts on the edge of the martini glass with a Savage Scorpion sitting elegantly on top of them!  

Find the recipe & video tutorial here.

photo from www.Delish.com
Pop Rocks Shots
A super-easy way to combine your favorite scorpion shot with some super-fun candy is to simply rim the shot glass with Pop Rocks! Remember that crackle-in-your-mouth candy you couldn't get enough of as a kid? (This trick works perfectly for rimming cocktail glasses too.)

All you have to do is run a piece of lemon or lime around the edge of the glass to moisten it, then dip that edge into a plate full of Pop Rocks to make them stick. If you prefer sweet with no "pop," any type of small candy bits or candy sprinkles will work well too. Of course, that savage crackle of the Pop Rocks pairs nicely with the savage surprise of a Savage Scorpion in your shot glass! 

Any one of these creative cocktail ideas is sure to satisfy your sweet tooth. Combine these recipes with the addition of our gourmet cocktail ingredient and satisfy your need for adventure and excitement at the same time! Have fun celebrating National Candy Month with a little help from Savage Scorpions. 

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