5 Tips for Creating a Bar Menu Customers Will LOVE!

Customers have lots of choices when it comes to picking a bar or restaurant. One excellent way to set yourself apart from the rest and grab the attention of possible patrons is to build a creative and unique drink menuInstead of offering just the same drinks that everyone else does, add some excitement with signature drinks and shots that no other place can offer. 

Savage Scorpions can help with that in a couple of different ways. First, as a gourmet ingredient for some of those menu items! Secondly, with the following tips for building a bar menu that will get some well-deserved customer attention. 

Be Original
A fully stocked bar can easily offer "the usuals," but the best bars also come up with signature cocktails of their very own. "Secret" recipes are one way to make sure your competition won't have the same drink on their menu too.

Another way to create a unique beverage is to have ingredients on-hand that the other bars don't. For instance, our creative cocktail garnish won't be found behind every bar (only the best and most savage ones!) The simple addition of Savage Scorpions to a signature cocktail or shot is a very simple way to offer a beverage that your customers have most likely never seen before but will be intrigued to try.

Offer a Wide Variety
Always be sure to feature drinks on your menu that include one of the most commonly ordered liquors in each - vodka, rum, tequila, whiskey, or gin. That way you've offered an option for the drinkers that prefer each of those.

If you happen to have a few bottles on the shelf that aren't moving as quickly as you'd like, work to create a cocktail that makes them irresistible to order. Either you'll have a brand new popular drink on your hands and will need to order more or, at the very least, get rid of most of those bottles over the hype of the new drink to try.

Keep It Fresh
When you end up with a best seller, those should definitely find a permanent place on the menu. In addition to those, consider adding a new specialty cocktail every month. The "for a limited time" appeal will entice customers to try them before they are no longer available.

You might even want to go so far as to offer an entirely new drink menu seasonally. This gives people a chance to drink up all season and then anxiously look forward to those drinks coming back again next year.

Make It Look & Sound Exciting
You only get one chance to make a first impression, and the cooler/ more beautiful/ more unique the presentation is for specialty menu items, the more likely they are to be ordered. Pretty colors, special glassware, and extravagant garnishes (like Savage Scorpions) can make a drink even more tempting to some drinkers than the actual cocktail ingredients. Have a professional photo made of each new drink and display it in the menu or on tables for everyone to see. 

Creative signature cocktail names and clever descriptions can help to sell drinks too. For example, any cocktail or shot that includes our gourmet drink ingredient can have the word "Savage" added to the name. You could also name drinks after regular customers, your town's sports team, or even an upcoming holiday.  

Let People Know About It
Last, but certainly not least, people outside of our bar need to know about your brand new creative cocktails and shots. Their curiosity is what will bring them through your doors.

Regular advertising methods should definitely be taken advantage of, but don't forget to use social media. Most social media advertising is free to use, reaches a LOT of people, and it's fairly easy to get your customers to do some of the work for you. Encourage your clientele to post photos of themselves doing a scorpion shot and give them a fun hashtag for your bar so others seeing the photos can find you.

A good drink menu will keep current customers happy. That said, a savagely awesome, ever-changing drink menu will not only please the regulars but also get brand new customers excited to check your place out! 

An easy way to get started is with a simple Savage Scorpions shot. Our scorpions pair perfectly with all types of liquor and can be added to all kinds of mixed drinks. You can even use them as a gourmet food ingredient when you're ready to really get creative! After all, when it comes to an amazing bar menu, your creativity is the only limit. (And we're always here for inspiration when you need it!) 

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Phone: 949-232-3334

Email: Info@SavageScorpions.com 


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