Marvelous Mint - A Refreshing Summer Cocktail Ingredient

Warm weather is here most days already and with summer just a few weeks away, you'll be wanting some cool and refreshing cocktail ideas to enjoy as the days keep getting hotter. While Savage Scorpions are an excellent unique drink ingredient to add excitement to a beverage at any time of the year, mint is a perfect ingredient for an amazing summer cocktail.

Fun Facts About Mint
Mint is a beautiful, bold spring green color, it smells amazing, and it tastes great, but there's even more to this popular herb than what you already know. For example, it comes in over 30 varieties, including spearmint, peppermint, orange mint, and more. (Spearmint is usually the type used in cocktails.) 

The name "mint" comes from a mythical Greek character, Minthe. She was a Naiad-nymph that fell in love with Hades, the god of the underworld, and tried to seduce him. This angered his wife, Persephone, and the goddess turned Minthe into a mint plant.  

From stories to reality, eating mint actually has some positive health benefits. It is rich in nutrients like Vitamin A, Iron, and Manganese. This herb can help to relieve indigestion and studies show that it could even improve brain function. Another excellent benefit of mint is that it's great for covering up bad breath.  

Famous Mint Cocktails
While the amount of mint you get into your body may be limited when adding it to a cocktail, you're still getting some of the many benefits above. Also, you're getting an incredible drink! There are two mixed drinks that immediately come to mind featuring this tasty ingredient - Mojitos and Mint Juleps. 

The Mojito is a traditional Cuban highball. Its combination of sweetness, citrus, and that marvelous mint flavor has made it a very popular summer drink around the world.  

Mojitos can be made in many different varieties by adding fresh fruits or using flavored rum in the mix. A basic Mojito is made with white rum, fresh lime juice, a few sprigs of mint, and sugar or simple syrup. Simply muddle together those last 3 ingredients with a splash of soda water, add ice, then top with the rum. 

Mint Julep
The Mint Julep is a mixed drink that is most often associated with the American South. When you think about cocktails in relation to the Kentucky Derby, this one immediately comes to mind as it has been a traditional beverage served at the race for nearly a century.  

There are four main ingredients in a Mint Julep: mint leaves, bourbon, simple syrup, and crushed ice. Every bartender has their own special way of preparing this particular cocktail, but the general directions are to muddle the mint, sugar, and a bit of water in a highball glass, fill the glass with the crushed ice, add the bourbon and stir until the glass is frosted.  

With just a few ingredients and easy instructions, those two mint cocktails should be simple enough for anyone to mix up for a cool, refreshing, warm-weather drink. If you'd like to upgrade yours from a classic to a fresh, exciting, new drink, all you need to do is add a Savage Scorpion! This gourmet cocktail ingredient is easy to order online through our website and takes any beverage (or food item, for that matter) from ordinary to extraordinary! #HowSavageAreYou

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