St. Patrick's Day Toasts & the Drinks to Go With Them!

Are you gearing up to celebrate St. Patrick's Day? Since it falls on a Tuesday this year, you may want to start the celebration the weekend before. (Now that sounds savage!) 

Need a little help preparing? Savage Scorpions found a few fun St. Patrick's Day toasts for you to use plus some delicious drink recipes that our creative cocktail ingredient will be right at home inside. 

St. Patrick's Day Toasts 

- If you're lucky enough to be Irish, your'e lucky enough!

- May you live as long as you want and never want as long as you live!

- Here's to a long life and a merry one,
A quick death and an easy one,
A pretty girl and an honest one, 
A cold beer... and another one!

- May you always have a clean shirt, a clear conscience, and enough coins in your pocket to buy a pint!

- May your blessings outnumber the shamrocks that grow, 
And may trouble avoid you wherever you to.

- May misfortune follow you the rest of your life...
And never catch up!

- May the winds of fortune sail you,
May you sail a gentle sea,
May it always be the other guy
Who says, "This drink's on me!" 

St. Pat's Shots & Cocktails
Here are a few deliciously fun ideas for festive beverages to enjoy after proclaiming one of the toasts above. Just be sure to add our unique drink ingredient to the recipe before you drink it!

Irish Car Bomb
This classic shot will likely be enjoyed by many on and around St. Patrick's Day. (It's always a popular choice, but especially this time of year.) It's one of the few shots that seems to have the exact same recipe, no matter where it's ordered. 

You'll need a pint of Guinness beer and a shot glass containing Irish cream liqueur and Irish whiskey. For our "savage" version, be sure to pop a Savage Scorpion into that shot glass too! When you're ready, drop the shot glass into the pint and shoot the entire drink all at once. 


If you prefer a scorpion shot that's a little smaller and a wonderful shade of green, you can give this tasty treat a try. It's got the Irish cream liqueur and Irish whiskey needed to make it an "Irish" shot, plus a bit of melon-flavored liqueur. 

Find the full recipe here, along with 9 other shots you may want to give a try.

Shamrock Sour

Basically, it's an Irish whiskey sour with a bit of food coloring. It's delicious and best of all, easy to mix! You can most likely figure out what is needed simply by the description, but the version in the recipe below has a nice, freshly squeezed flavor to it in place of traditional sour mix. 

Find the full recipe here.

Shamrock Juice Cocktail

This drink definitely packs a punch, but in an incredibly delicious way! No food coloring needed for it because the combination of Blue Curacao and orange juice gives the drink a nice greenish tint. In addition to that, you'll need gin, white tequila, vodka, and light rum. (See what we mean? This is a stiff one!) A Savage Scorpion dropped into the bottom may start feeling a bit tipsy before you do!

Find the full recipe here.

Last, but certainly not least, one of the simplest St. Patrick's Day drinks to mix up that goes wonderfully with our creative cocktail garnish is the classic green beer. All you have to do is pour your preferred brew (a light-colored beer works best) into a glass that has a drop of green food coloring already in the bottom of it. (This works for white wines too!) Then, simply drop a Savage Scorpion into the glass, toast your mates, and enjoy! Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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