Delicious Drink Recipes for Toasting a Savage New Year!

One of the highlights of New Year's Eve is the midnight toast (followed of course, by that New Year's Eve kiss if you're lucky!) You could opt for simply popping a bottle of champagne, but where's the creativity in that? 

End the year on an exciting note by incorporating a few signature Savage Scorpions cocktails into the festivities! (A few scorpion shots leading up to midnight will make it a very awesome evening too!) Here are some delicious recipes that you can whip up for a toast this New Year's Eve. Simply drop one of our unique drink ingredients into the glass when you're done mixing and you're all set! 

Champagne Margaritas

Champagne is a New Year's Eve staple and, as we've mentioned many times before, margaritas are always a crowd-pleaser. Combine both beautifully with this recipe. Fill up the punch bowl and pop a Savage Scorpion into each glass before filling. YUM!

Find the recipe here. 

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Ginberberry Sparkler Cocktail

This delicious drink is full of the flavors of the holiday season, contains simple ingredients that are easy to find, and can be mixed up by the pitcher for everyone to enjoy. A bit of prosecco, vodka, cranberry juice, and ginger beer is all you need, plus a few cranberries and a few Savage Scorpions for garnish! 

Find the recipe here.

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Pear & Pub Ale Party Punch

The bar manager of Fine & Dandy in Jackson, MS, Jonathan Webb, contributed this powerful punch to and we can't wait to give it a taste. It combines rye whiskey, dark rum, a delicious ale, and fruit juices with a festive cinnamon pear syrup (which is easy to create.) If you have some party-goers that prefer a bit of a lighter cocktail, simply add more juice and a bit less booze.  

Find the recipe here.

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Melon Ball Drop Shooters

A Melon Ball is a classic shot you can order at pretty much any bar in the country. Turn it into a New Year's Eve-themed shot by tying the name into the annual midnight ball drop! Depending on your bartender, the ingredients may vary slightly but we've got the most commonly found recipe for you right here. 

Take equal parts melon liqueur, vodka, and pineapple juice and shake them in a cocktail shaker with ice. Strain the drink into shot glasses and garnish with one of our Savage Scorpions dropped into the shot and a melon ball perched on top with a toothpick.  

For anyone that would prefer to keep things as simple as possible, our Savage Scorpions don't need a mixed drink to be enjoyed. They pair perfectly with any type of liquor so the possibilities are truly endless! The only limit is your own creativity! 

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