How to Master "Being S-A-V-A-G-E"

If you're the type of person that loves being the life of the party, or maybe if you are the type of person that's striving to break out their shell and add more excitement to their life, then you need to get savage! How exactly does one "get savage?" Well, a dose of our Savage Scorpions is one way to achieve that goal! 

A simple scorpion shot is always a sure-fire way to get any party going. Savage Scorpions can also be used as a unique drink ingredient for some amazing signature cocktails and even used in recipes for savagely good food to serve guests.

The definition of the word "savage" describes it as fierce, untamed, and ferocious. Here are a few more additional adjectives that describe the feeling our Savage Scorpions can help bring out.   

S - Showy
Sometimes it takes a bit of a show-off to grab people's attention, especially in a crowded room. If you own a bar or restaurant owner, the competition can cause you to need something unique that's a little showy to attract customers. Line the bar with a few Savage Scorpion shots and believe us, all eyes will be on you! 

A - Awe-Inspiring
A fact that few people know is that scorpions naturally glow under ultraviolet light. We don't have to do anything special to make our Savage Scorpions "light up" a fancy drink. We quality-process each scorpion and remove the stingers, but the glow-in-the-dark effect is all-natural! Turn on a few black lights and marvel at the beauty of our creative cocktail garnish.  

V - Viral
People are always on the lookout for the next viral video or hot new trend online to share with their friends. Shoot some video of you and your gang shooting our scorpions and that's going to get quite a few "likes" and even more "wows!" (If anyone dislikes that, then they're just not savage enough!) Some creative photography involving a bar's cocktails and cleverly placed Savage Scorpions are pictures that people are going to want to share with each other on social media too. 

A - Adventurous
There's a reason why our favorite hashtag is #HowSavageAreYou! Savage Scorpions are a very simple addition to any drink or shot, but you've got to have an adventurous spirit to order it! Take any night from ordinary to extraordinary in just one drink.  

G - Gourmet
For the foodies always looking for a new dish, try adding edible scorpions to your favorite foods. We've seen them on nachos, pizza, tacos, and more. It's unexpected and always well-received at any table. Your only limit is your own creativity. (If you need some help in that area, we've always got some great ideas for you to try out!) 

E - Eye-Popping
Shooting, drinking, or eating a scorpion is awesome, but before you even get to that part, the sight of a Savage Scorpion food or beverage is something to behold. People won't believe what they are seeing at first, then they will be excited to give it a try, and after that, well, parties won't ever be the same without a few Savage Scorpions in the mix! 

So you see, being "savage" is as simple as ordering Savage Scorpions online and sharing them with everyone that you know! This is an easy way to show off your wild side and who knows where it will lead you from there. (It can only get more savage!) 

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