How Do You Drink Your Savage Scorpion?

With Savage Scorpions , the possibilities are endless. The only limit is your own imagination. Once our unique drink ingredient arrives, there are quite a few ways that you can incorporate them into your favorite liquor and, as a matter of fact, they work wonderfully on food too. Just in case you're stumped about how to get started with your Savage Scorpions, here's a little guidance to get you going. To Chew or Not To Chew? This is a debate among many taking a scorpion shot . You can drink the entire contents of the glass in one big gulp, letting the little guy slide on down your throat in one piece. Of course, for the more daring, you can savor the moment by chomping down on the Savage Scorpion before swallowing it. That's the best way to make the magical moment last a little longer and show how truly savage you can be! It's all up to the drinker and both ways get the job done nicely. Shots! The most popular way to enjoy Savage Scorpio...