#HowSavageAreYou - Exotic Drinks From Around the World

When it comes to unique drink ideas, a Savage Scorpions cocktail or scorpion shots are both creative and exciting new experiences for most people. The rest of the world has its fair share of savage cocktails too. 

You can easily buy Savage Scorpions online to mix up a few creative drinks of your own and your friends are going to love showing off just how savage they can be. Some of the other beverages below might not be as easy to get a hold of and a couple of them don't sound nearly as tasty as ours. Still, its always fun to learn new things. Check these out.  

Lizard Wine
In China, the lizard is valued for its medicinal qualities. One of the strongest alcoholic drinks you can get in China is Lizard Wine. A whole lizard is marinated in bottles of rice wine or whiskey from 10 days to an entire year. 

Apparently, the more poisonous the reptile, the more potent the drink! According to the story, the glassy-eyed stare of the animal scares away cancer, arthritis, and ulcers, among other illnesses. 

Some compare this Japanese drink to an aquatic version of Russian Roulette because, if the notoriously poisonous fugu (aka pufferfish or blowfish) is not cleaned properly, it can kill you! 

To create a shot of hirezake (which means "fin sake" in Japanese) the fugu fin is grilled over a flame until charred and then placed into a cup of hot sake to steep. You may find this shot in a few American bars, but special licenses are needed to both be allowed to prepare it and to serve it for obvious safety reasons. 

The Sourtoe Cocktail 
If you travel through Dawson City, Yukon in Canada, some may tell you it's a rite of passage to have a Sourtoe cocktail. The main ingredient is actually a real, human, severed toe that has been dehydrated and preserved in salt! It can be placed in any drink or shot. You are not supposed to swallow the toe (thank goodness) but your lips must touch it. The saying goes, "You can drink it fast, you can drink it slow - but the lips have gotta touch the toe."

The practice began in 1973 when a Yukon local, Captain Dick Stevenson, was cleaning the cabin of a miner that had lost his toe to frostbite. He had the toe preserved in a jar of alcohol to display for the memory. Captain Stevenson decided to take the toe with him to the local saloon and began plunking it into the drink of anyone brave enough to let him. 

That original toe was saved and used at that bar for 7 years! It was swallowed by a patron and never recovered. Today, new toes have been donated for the cause but hefty fines are due for anyone "accidentally" swallowing the toe to discourage it happening again.   

Scorpion Shots
Savage Scorpions are easy to order and safe to consume. They seem a lot less crazy than some of the drinks listed above but will still give you a rush of excitement when you shoot the scorpion! Some people swallow them whole while others chew them up to truly get the full experience.

All of our scorpions are quality processed with the stingers removed. An added fun fact is that scorpions naturally glow under ultraviolet light so our scorpion cocktails are quite a sight to behold at a dark party with the right lighting! 

Our creative and unique drink ingredient works well with any type of liquor and can be added to shots, mixed drinks, beer, and even used to create gourmet food items. Your only limit is your own creativity! Add a little excitement to your next night out by ordering a few Savage Scorpions for your next party or ask your local bar to start carrying them. Then you and your friends can ask each other #HowSavageAreYou!?!  

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Phone: 949-232-3334

Email: Info@SavageScorpions.com 


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