Drinks For Everyone! Valentine's Day AND Anti-Valentine's Day Recipes

Valentine's Day is kind of a bittersweet holiday. If you're in love, you most likely enjoy it and if you're not, well, it's very likely that you'd prefer to skip it altogether. Today Savage Scorpions is doing our best to appeal to both types of people. First, we've got a couple of drink and scorpion shot ideas for the anti-Valentine's Day crowd, followed by some sweet and sexy cocktails for the lovebirds. 

Boo to Love
Don't hide away on Valentine's Day trying to escape the lovey-dovey feelings in the air. Instead, go out and have a savage time for yourself! We looked around and found some recipes that fit that state of mind perfectly. Don't forget to add the very important ingredient of a Savage Scorpion to each one before you drink it.  

The Drinks Business's website had some great wines and beers in the anti-Valentine's Day list that also contained the next two recipes. Definitely worth clicking on the links below and taking a look. 

Love on the Rocks
from TheDrinksBusiness.com
Any drink containing bitters sounds just about right if you don't like Valentine's Day. 

  • 2 dashes Angostura bitters
  • 15 ml green apple liqueur
  • 1 tsp honey syrup
  • 50 ml bourbon
  • Twist orange zest to garnish 
Mix all the ingredients together in a tumbler with a handful of ice. Garnish with the twist of orange zest. 
photo from TheDrinksBusiness.com 
Duck Fart
You can't get much more unromantic than a duck fart! 
  • 15 ml Irish cream liqueur
  • 15 ml Whisky
  • 15 ml Kahlua
Mix all the ingredients together and then pour into a shot glass.  

photo from The DrinksBusiness.com 

Cupid on the Loose
Now, for those of you that enjoy the holiday of Valentine's Day, whether you're sharing it with someone special or not, the following drink ideas may be more suited to your tastes. Add excitement to the romance simply by adding one of our creative cocktail garnishes (you know, a Savage Scorpion!) It's a great way to find out exactly how savage your sweetheart is willing to be! 

Cranberry Crush
from Saveur.com 
Whether it's a new crush or a long-time love, this one's a keeper!
  • 2 oz. 100% cranberry juice
  • 2 oz. not-too-sweet spiced rum
  • 3 oz. spicy ginger beer
In a rocks glass filled with ice, combine cranberry juice and rum. Top with ginger beer. 

photo from Saveur.com 
Sex in the Driveway
Here's a variation on a classic cocktail for those of you that can't make it out to the beach. 
  • 1-ounce peach schnapps
  • 1-ounce blue curacao
  • 2-ounces vodka (or white rum)
  • Sprite 
1) Put crushed ice in a highball glass and pour in the ingredients, in order, ending by topping it off with Sprite.

2) Stir and serve with a straw.

3) Garnish with a lemon wheel. 

photo from MixThatDrink.com 
There you have it, a little something for everyone this Valentine's Day. Our Savage Scorpions may not exactly be for everyone, though. Only truly savage, awesome, daring, exciting people who love to try new things and live life to the fullest! #HowSavageAreYou? 

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