5 Fantastic Ways to Use Savage Scorpions to Increase Revenue in Your Bar

If you are a bar owner, you are most likely always on the lookout for the next exciting thing that will bring more customers to your bar and keep the existing ones coming back again and again. Savage Scorpions are a fun way to do just that! They can draw additional attention to your establishment which will bring in more business and increase your profits. Here are 5 fantastic ways to use Savage Scorpions to increase revenue in YOUR bar!

1. Presentation
It is said that people drink first with their eyes, meaning that if they are trying to choose something to drink and it looks appealing, they are more likely to want to give it a try. An edible scorpion drink garnish will definitely catch a person's eye! If you make the drink look attractive and unique, even the people that always have their "usual" will be tempted to try it at least once.  

In addition to making the drink look tempting, show it off in posters, table tents, and even your ads. This puts it in front of customers right away, sometimes even before they enter your bar. You could also take photos of real customers enjoying it and post those in the bar and on your social media channels. When others see them having a great time, they will want in on the fun.  

2. Suggestive Selling
Having a staff that is trained to promote your more expensive drinks is one easy way to sell more of them. Simply bringing it to a customer's attention is often enough to convince them to order one, especially if it is presented in a fun and upbeat way.

You could also encourage your staff to use Savage Scorpions to "upsell" drinks. In addition to asking "Would you like a double?" or suggesting a higher end liquor in a cocktail, they could offer to add a scorpion to any drink. One of our favorite ways to present the idea to people that look like they may be up for a challenge is to ask "How Savage Are You?" (#HowSavageAreYou)  

Savage Scorpions

3. Food & Drink Pairings
Turn the Savage Scorpions experience into a package deal by coming up with irresistible food and drink pairings using our scorpions as a featured ingredient. People are often happier with fewer choices, so when you offer them a menu item and a drink that taste great together, they'll generally go ahead and take both. 

You can add Savage Scorpions to the drink, the food item, or even both. They are a creative way to make a meal look exotic and gourmet. To make it more appealing to repeat customers, switch things up often. Offer a new signature drink and food pairing weekly or monthly. 

4. Move Unused Product
Incorporating a slow-moving product into a specialty menu item is a wonderful way to get the last of it off of your shelves. It may even end up making that particular item one that you need to keep around because it is now a popular seller. Many of the tips above paired with this idea will cause a demand for it, meaning revenue from something that was only collecting dust before. 

5. Promos & Themed Parties
A fun drink idea, like a cocktail or shot with a Savage Scorpion in it, is a wonderful thing to build a special promotion around. Scorpions glow naturally under ultraviolet light so you might want to host a special evening where you light the bar in those and suggest everyone show up in clothes that will also glow. In the fall, that's the time of Scorpio birthdays, making it a perfect promo time for a Savage Scorpions party.    

If you'd like to incorporate some of these ideas centered around our Savage Scorpions, it's easy to get them to your bar. Simply order Savage Scorpions online through our website. They are quality processed with the stingers removed, available in 3 cm-4 cm size, but we plan to have larger ones available soon. You're going to love what the addition of this fun bar and restaurant idea does for your business, and your customers are going to love it even more! 

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Phone: 949-232-3334

Email: Info@SavageScorpions.com 


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