Tips For Preparing Your Bar For A Big Holiday Weekend

Labor Day Weekend is fast approaching. If you manage a bar or restaurant in a big tourist area, a holiday weekend takes a bit preparation than a regular one. 

Even if your town doesn't get a lot of extra visitors, you will still most likely see an increase in business since most people have a 3-day weekend to look forward to. Our team at Savage Scorpions has a few tips for your team to prepare your bar or restaurant for a big holiday weekend so they can provide your customers with the best experience possible. 

It is extremely important to make sure that you have enough supplies to last for the entire extended holiday weekend. Make sure that you have ordered enough so that you do not run out of popular items, as well as any specialty items you will be offering for the holiday. Ingredients for popular items will eventually be used, so as long as they won't spoil, it's wise to have a few extras of those on hand.   

Proper preparation is key to everything running smoothly during business hours. Make sure your staff comes in early enough to get more prep work done than usual, like cutting plenty of lemon and lime wedges for the garnish tray at the bar. Of course, some creative cocktail garnishes, like our Savage Scorpions, need no prep at all! (Just make sure you have plenty on hand. Once one person tries them, others tend to want to join in!) 

Consider having a team meeting a few days before a big holiday weekend or in the morning before you open at the beginning of it. Make your staff aware of how to describe and prepare any specials that will be offered. 

Encourage teamwork, and give them a pep talk that inspires them to have fun with the customers. Even though our team is working, your customers are on vacation. Keep your schedule fully staffed, especially during peak business hours. You might even consider bringing in a bit of extra help if you are in an area that will be a lot busier than usual. 

Being fully stocked and fully staffed isn't going to do you any good unless you get plenty of customers through your doors. Come up with a few "holiday weekend only" specials, or debut a signature cocktail over the weekend that will entice customers to come in and check it out. For example, a "savage" special that incorporates our fun and exciting Savage Scorpions is a real attention getter! (Did you know that they naturally glow under an ultraviolet light?)  

Do plenty of advertising in a variety of media about all of the great things happening in your establishment leading up to the holiday weekend. Take advantage of social media too. You can put some advertising money toward many social media channels, but if you've grown your following, this is a great place to get the word out for free! Make it fun and encourage your followers to share posts with their friends. You might even consider coming up with a contest to get them to participate.  

People make more of an effort to get out of the house over holidays. This gives you an excellent opportunity to impress them with your bar or restaurant offerings, as well as your customer service. One great experience is sure to bring them back for another visit. If you make it exciting too, like offering Savage Scorpions on your menu, then they are very likely to talk about the experience with their friends too, which gives you the chance to gain even more repeat customers. 

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