Guess Where Our Savage Scorpions Come From...

Since scorpions can be found on every continent except for Antarctica, you might wonder exactly where our Savage Scorpions come from. We get our tasty and unique cocktail ingredients from China and Thailand. 

Scorpions in some countries are enjoyed by both locals and tourists alike. People in China and Thailand commonly eat them as a staple in some diets. Tourists that are brave enough to eat them find out that they aren’t so bad after all. While we see our Savage Scorpions most often in shots and craft cocktails, they are great as an addition to foods too. 

If you thought taking a scorpion shot was savage, people in Thailand eat their scorpions on a stick, similar to a kabob. When tourists, or anyone for that matter, eat scorpions from a street vendor, it’s important to make sure whatever vendor you buy from has removed the stinger from the tail. Scorpions are often times deep-fried and they can have a bitter aftertaste that quickly follows. Some people say they are delicious and can resemble potato chips because they are crunchy and taste salty.

Scorpions are known as a delicacy in China. They can be cooked in many different ways – roasted, fried, grilled, or sometimes even consumed raw. There is a long-running saying that says Chinese eat just about anything. While this may be somewhat true, one thing we do know they eat is black scorpions. They believe that scorpions make your blood hotter in cold weather and they can cure “certain conditions.” They are traditionally served on skewers here too which makes it a quick grab and go snack for many.

Savage Scorpions
While we may not normally eat scorpions the way they do in Thailand or China, we do enjoy a Savage Scorpion Shot. Whether you like tequila, vodka, whiskey, or some other type of liquor, a Savage Scorpion always makes a great addition. 

If you’re feeling creative, you can add them to your specialty cocktails, or you can even incorporate them into your food items! Your creativity is your only limit. So, what are you waiting for? Order your Savage Scorpions today! You can get them in 2 different quantities: 50 or 100. The scorpions range in size from 3 cm – 4 cm. We will soon have even bigger scorpions ranging in size from 5 cm – 6 cm. Stay tuned to find out when they’re available because you definitely won’t want to miss out.

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