There Are LOTS of Ways to Enjoy a Savage Scorpion

Do you know what the very best drink is to pair with one of our Savage Scorpions? No? We don't either! That's because our unique cocktail garnish is great with so many different drinks, as well as a wide variety of foods, that it's just too difficult to decide on a favorite. You can do a LOT more with Savage Scorpions that just simply dropping them into a shot (although that's a great idea too!) 

Shots with a Surprise
Okay, we'll start our list of fantastic ways to enjoy Savage Scorpions with the most obvious - in a shot. It really doesn't matter what type of shot it is or what kind of alcohol is in it, because these tasty little treats are awesome paired with all of them! This way, they can go down quickly for anyone that is a little apprehensive about trying one, and it makes the simple and quick action of shooting a shot a lot more interesting. 

In a Signature Cocktail
Any type of cocktail that includes a scorpion in the list of ingredients is sure to liven up your party. If you happen to own a bar or restaurant, signature scorpion cocktails are a great way to bring in curious customers that are anxious to try the latest and coolest drink in town. All you have to is find a drink recipe you like the color and taste of, add a Savage Scorpion, and then come up with a creative cocktail name. For example, how would you like to try a Savage Stinger? (You know you would, and so will everyone else!)   

As a Drink Garnish
Savage Scorpions also make a unique cocktail garnish. As long as the drink that you are serving has a piece of fruit or some other type of garnish on the top of the glass, you can add a scorpion on top of that to be enjoyed along with the beverage. People are always adding all kinds of crazy extras to Bloody Marys. Throwing a Savage Scorpion in the mix really isn't any different, just a lot more creative!  

On Your Favorite Foods     
Our delicious scorpions aren't only amazing with your favorite drinks, but they add a little something extra-special to your favorite foods too. We've heard of fairs across the country serving scorpions on pizza, nachos, and more. You don't have to head to the state fair to give this culinary sensation a try. Simply order your own Savage Scorpions directly from our website and head to the kitchen. This added ingredient will take just about any dish from ordinary to gourmet!

If you've come up with more ways to share the fun of Savage Scorpions with your friends or customers, we'd love to hear all about it, and even better yet, see a picture of your creations. Put those thinking caps on, get your Savage Scorpions ordered, and get to work! 

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