Spirits 101

It may be surprising, but we are only 20 days away from summer. Trust us, we can’t believe it either! As the days start to become longer, we can’t help but think about the warm weather, tropical vacations and of course, summer cocktails. Savage Scorpions pair well with any type of drink. From specialty cocktails, shots, or beer, the options are endless. If you’re wanting to increase your bar revenue or spice up a specialty cocktail, give Savage Scorpions a try! We know you won’t be disappointed. As we get closer to summer, we thought it would be fun to highlight some of the top spirits that pair well with Savage Scorpions. When it comes to incorporating a Savage Scorpion, your creativity is the limit! Vodka When it comes to vodka, it’s the chameleon of all spirits. There are technically no universal rules for producing vodka, but the final product is supposed to be odorless, tasteless, and colorless. Vodka is traditionally made from potatoes, corn or grains, but it is now mad...