Your Creativity Is The Limit

No matter what day of the week it is, whether it’s Sunday Funday, Margarita Monday, Taco Tuesday, Wine Wenesday, Thirsty Thursday, or so on, one thing we do know is that you can make any day more enjoyable with a Savage Scorpion. Maybe you’re not a shot person, that’s okay! Savage Scorpions are extremely universal and can also be used in signature drinks (or any drink for that matter) or even in food dishes! Your creativity is the limit. This week we wanted to share a few of our favorite ways to use Savage Scorpions. Check them out below and don’t forget to order your Savage Scorpions!


If you like to brunch on the weekends than we have something for you! Why not spice up your Bloody Mary even more with a Savage Scorpion. Did you even brunch if you didn’t enjoy a Bloody Mary or three? We don’t think so. Whether you like yours spicy or more mild, any Blood Mary will benefit from a Savage Scorpion. Your friends will be envious too.


Mexican beers and specialty brews are all the rage right now. Mexican beer is often times served with a lime. You can take that one step further and serve it with a lime and a Savage Scorpion. You can take an ordinary beer and turn it into an experience for your customers. Any beer that is served with fruit, lime, lemon or orange, could all benefit with the addition of a Savage Scorpion. Don’t believe us? Try it out for yourself!


Tequila shots that is. One of the most popular ways to use Savage Scorpions is with a tequila shot. Whether you like salt or no salt, lime or no lime, one thing we can usually agree on is that tequila and a Savage Scorpion go hand in hand. It doesn’t matter which tequila you use either. Whether you like top shelf brands or the most basic type, you can spice up any shot with a scorpion.

If tequila isn’t your thing, you can use any type of liquor for a Savage Scorpion shot. Fireball, Vodka, Whiskey? They all work! When it comes down to it, it’s all about preference.


Let’s face it, Margaritas are one of the best drinks ever invented. On the rocks or blended, salt or sugar rim, they’re all delicious and they are all a little better with a Savage Scorpion! Taco Tuesday has become a trend nationwide and even worldwide. Why not capitalize on that and boost your bar or restaurant profits by including a Savage Scorpion Margarita or Tequila Shot special on those days. Not only will it bring people in, but the drinks will be flowing. You could even incorporate Savage Scorpions into a delicious street taco. Now that sounds yummy!


When it comes down to it, Savage Scorpions can spice up almost any type of shot or drink. Not only can they be used behind the bar, but Savage Scorpions can be incorporated into many different food items. Make your restaurant or bar the talk of the town and incorporate Savage Scorpions into your menu. You can order them in 50 ct. or 100 ct. and they are each about 3 cm – 4 cm in length. What are you waiting for? Order your Savage Scorpions today!

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