Tips For Creating The Ultimate Drink Menu Part 2

Last week we started a list of helpful tips to keep in mind when creating or revamping your drink menu. This week, Savage Scorpions is rounding out the list and we hope you find these hints helpful! If you’re looking for ways to increase revenue at a bar, Savage Scorpions may be what you’re looking for. From shots to signature drinks, Savage Scorpions can spice up any drink. 

Strategically Think About Prices

The first thing you need to make sure you do is to include the price of each drink on your drink menu. There’s nothing worse than ordering a drink that doesn’t have its price listed. Some people won’t order a second drink without knowing the price. It’s also a great idea to list drinks from most expensive to least expensive. This can lead to most people choosing the most expensive drink or beer. Another helpful tip is to not include the dollar sign with your prices. Just list the price with decimals on your drink menu. 

Focus On Creative Cocktail Names

The names of your cocktails should be one of the first things you think about when creating your drink menu. Some people will choose a drink based off of its ingredients and some people may try a new drink simply because of its creative name. Take time to think about creative names and make sure they relate to your bar and the environment. 

Never List Calories Or Nutritional Facts

While it’s a great option for those who are more health conscious, in the end, listing calories can put a damper on an activity that is supposed to be fun. Most people don’t want to see how many calories are in their favorite drink and it will deter people from ordering certain drinks or more than one. Instead of listing the calorie count next to cocktails, create a low-calorie option for drinks on your menu.

Strategic Placement

When looking at a menu, most people’s eyes tend to look at the top right corner of the menu first. Then they usually look at the first and last few items on the menu. To make sure your most profitable items are seen, you should strategically place them in those specific areas. The more attention you are able to draw to them, the more likely people will order them. You can do this by placing them in a box or ever separating them from other menu items. Large text and photos are also a great option.

Savage Scorpions

We know how important a drink menu is in order to have a successful and profitable bar. With so many options out there, it’s important that your bar and drink menu stands out from the competition. Having a signature cocktail is extremely important, but why not take your signature cocktail up a notch? Adding a Savage Scorpion to your signature cocktail or drink menu is a great way to make your bar stand out and to increase bar revenue. They can be incorporated into different drinks, shots, and even food items. Your creativity is the limit. What are you waiting for? Order Savage Scorpions today!

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