Best Drinking Games For The Big Game On Sunday

Let’s face it, drinking and football go together hand in hand, kind of like spaghetti and meatballs. No matter what you like to drink, some people take it up a notch with drinking games that are based around the game. Savage Scorpions did a little research to find the best drinking games for this coming Sunday and we think we’ve found them. FANSIDED listed some great drinking games for the Big Game on Sunday and we’ve picked out favorites. Want to make them even more fun? Add in Savage Scorpions to the mix.

Super Bowl LII Drinking Game –

Shotgun your Bud Light whenever you see or hear “Dilly, Dilly!”

Drink every time Al Michaels or Cris Collinsworth mention that Nick Foles is the Eagles backup quarterback.

Drink when NBC talks about Gisele Bundchen.

Take a sip when Cris Collinsworth mentions DeflateGate more than three years after it happened.

If something risquĂ© happens during Justin Timberlake’s halftime performance, shotgun your beer.

Our Drinking Game Suggestions –

Take a shot if the coin toss is “tails”.

Take a shot whenever there is an interception.

Take two sips whenever someone does a touchdown dance.

Chug your beer if NSYNC makes a guest appearance during the halftime show.

Take two sips when a field goal is missed.

Take a shot whenever there is a fumble.

Take three sips whenever a challenge flag is thrown.

Celebrate With Savage Scorpions 

We hope you enjoy these drinking games and of course, please drink responsibly. When it comes down to Super Bowl Sunday, it doesn’t matter who you’re rooting for. It’s an unofficial holiday in America where people gather together, drink beer, eat lots of food, and watch great football. Savage Scorpions can’t wait for the big game. If you have Savage Scorpions at your Super Bowl Party, we would love to see your photos! 

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