Why You Should Have Savage Scorpions In Your Bar

When it comes down to it, drink sales are the number one profit maker in the bar industry. If your drink sales are lacking, Savage Scorpions is here to help. Incorporating Savage Scorpions into your bar is a great way to help increase your bars revenue and draw new customers in. You can create Savage Scorpion shots, add them to signature drinks, beer, or even create a new cocktail that is unique to your bar. Your creativity is your limit.

Ways to Increase Your Bars Revenue

There are many different ways you can help increase your bars revenue and to drive sales up. Check out a few ways that you can incorporate Savage Scorpions into your bar to help increase your revenue.

Create a signature cocktail
It’s not as difficult as it may seem, especially when you have Savage Scorpions as your secret weapon. There are so many different combinations of drinks you can use. You can also take a classic drink and put your own unique twist on it. A good tip is to keep the drink as visually exciting as it is delicious. You can use different glasses that you don’t use for other drinks. A creative signature cocktail can be your bars greatest asset. Not only will it draw people in from different areas and help boost your bar revenue, but it’s also a great tool for social media and your marketing. People will want to take photos of your crazy concoction and post it all over social media. When they do that, you are getting extra exposure for your drink and your bar.

Get New Customers Through the Door
While having existing customers and regulars is important, it’s still extremely important to continuously bring new customers through the door. Regardless of how happy your existing customers are, you will eventually lose some of them, whether they relocate or just don’t have the time to go out anymore. One of the first steps to bringing new customers into your bar is to figure out what kind of crowd your bar or restaurant attracts. You’ll want to target a select group of people. Having specials or incorporating that signature cocktail is a great way to draw new customers to your bar. Having something people can’t get anywhere else will create buzz and excitement around your bar and cocktail. The good news is, new customers usually don’t come alone. They will more than likely bring friends along which gives you a greater chance at making new loyal customers.

Order Your Savage Scorpions

Take an ordinary drink and make it extraordinary with Savage Scorpions. It doesn’t matter if it’s a shot, beer, or a signature cocktail. Your only limit is your creativity. If you are wanting to increase your bar or restaurants revenue, give Savage Scorpions a try. You can order a 50 count or a 100 count. Start small or jump right in. Summer is just around the corner, and Savage Scorpions will truly set your bar apart. What are you waiting for, order yours today! 

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Phone: 949-232-3334

Email: Info@SavageScorpions.com 


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