Get To Know Stevie!

In this week's blog, we thought it would be fun to learn a little bit more about the woman behind the Savage Scorpion trend. Having recently celebrated her wedding and honeymoon, we thought it would be a great time to find out more about Stevie. We had a list of different types of questions, both personal and business-related - check out her answers below!

Where are you from? Where do you currently reside?
I am originally from the central coast of California but recently relocated to the Kansas City area. I have lived all up and down the coast of California, from Southern California to Northern California, and even briefly in Seattle. Definitely a west coaster for my entire life until this last summer when I gave it all up to move here to start my company.

How did Savage Scorpions get its start? What was your inspiration?
My Uncle Larry Peterman, the owner of Hotlix Inc., had a product which incorporated scorpions into a sucker and several other items that they sold. The product took off, and soon they had a scorpion shortage. I had suffered through multiple foot surgeries and had time on my hands to research like crazy and find additional suppliers. I managed to locate several, and with his blessing was able to assist in supplying Hotlix but also start my own company selling to bars and restaurants to incorporate into their drinks and menu items.

How long ago did you start Savage Scorpions? 
Savage Scorpions was launched in July of 2017.

What do you like most about your job and company?
I love interacting with the customers and clients and seeing the look and surprise on their faces when they see the product for themselves. There are very few things that truly shock people anymore, and this is definitely one of them!

What did you want to be when you grew up?
I actually went to school to become a Marriage & Family Therapist and decided after getting my masters degree, that wasn’t for me. I do love interacting with people and have spent the majority of my career coaching, teaching, and mentoring in some way. I feel like I use my degree every single day! 
What do you like to do when you aren’t working?
I love spending time with my 4 dogs, (Shorty, Zeus, Thomas, and Phoggy), spending time with family and friends and my new husband, traveling, reading, cooking, and wine of course!

What is your family like?
I come from a very large family! I am one of 5 girls and have 19 nieces and nephews with one on the way. Family is so very important to me and is a huge motivator for doing what I do.  

What’s something few people know about you?
I don’t think there is anything few people know about me.  I am a pretty open book and literally cannot tell a lie.  I would say those closest to me would say I may have a tendency to “overshare.”  I am definitely the type of person where what you see is what you get!

Who and what inspires you?
I am inspired by a lot of things, but I would say authenticity and kindness in people inspire me the most along with my husband and family.  They keep me motivated to continue on even when I don’t have the energy to do so.  

Other Fun Facts From Stevie
 I love Asian food (ALL OF IT).
Oprah's Super Soul Sundays podcast are my favorite.
I binge watch the real housewives franchise on Bravo.
The Golden Girls is my favorite TV show of all time.
I love to throw parties, especially theme parties.
If I had all the money in the world, I would have a big farm with as many rescue animals as I could handle.
The ocean is my happy place.

Now that you know a little bit more about the founder of Savage Scorpions, now is the time to order your scorpions. Savage Scorpions is a unique and exciting way to spice up any specialty cocktail or shot. Not only are they fun to look at, but scorpions naturally glow under an ultraviolet light. Check them out online or at a bar or restaurant near you. 

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