Put Savage Scorpions in Your Bar or Restaurant & Watch Excitement Happen!

Finding new ways to increase revenue in a bar or restaurant is a topic constantly on the minds of owners and managers. Serving our Savage Scorpions is a creative and unique way to do exactly that. They are perfect for offering a savagely fun shot and they make an excellent garnish for both cocktails and food. If you happen to be in charge of a bar or restaurant, here are 5 excellent reasons why you need to be serving this unique food and drink ingredient to your customers. They're Unique There is a good chance that you will be the only establishment in your neighborhood, and possibly your entire city, that offers Savage Scorpions. They're not your average menu item, and only someplace savagely cool can get away with it! There are a lot of different ways to serve these scorpions though, so even if you're not the only place in town carrying them, you can create a unique signature shot, cocktail, or menu item that can only be enjoyed at your ...