Fun Drinking Games to Play at the Bar or a House Party

With the holidays coming up, lots of parties and gatherings will be taking place. Whether you own an establishment where you want to bring more customers into your bar or restaurant or you are an individual hosting a private party for friends, work, or an organization, you'll need a way to entertain the people joining you. Savage Scorpions found a few fun ideas on how you can do that. With the addition of our creative cocktail garnish as one of the prizes, these games go from simply fun to absolutely savage! For Bar Owners Games and contests are a fun way to draw attention to your venue. These can entice new customers to check you out and add excitement to the visits from your regulars. Dice Night This could be a regular weekly happening at your bar or a game you feature during special events. The basic rules are very simple. A customer rolls a pair of dice and is given the prize attached to the value of those dice that you have set ahead of time. Fr...