Savage Drink Ideas Perfect for Tailgating or Poolside This Labor Day Weekend

Most holidays are great, but the type that results in 3-day weekends are savagely awesome! Not only do most people get a bonus day off work but it's also an extra day to "get savage" with their favorite recreational beverages. Add a side of Savage Scorpions to that and things get even better! Many people head to the beach, the lake, or the pool to enjoy a good portion of their extended weekend. It's very likely a BBQ or cookout may be a part of the festivities too. Labor Day Weekend also brings with it opening games for college football teams, so bring on the tailgating parties! No matter which way you decide to spend your time, the following drink recipes will be a nice addition to the refreshments. Add our unique cocktail garnish to the ingredients list of each recipe below and maybe throw in a scorpion shot or two for good measure to truly create a memorable weekend! Beer Margaritas Beer is a perfect tailgating beverage and margaritas are excel...